We are certain the world will hear about Murad
Murad Vakhayev was born 10 years ago – a strong and healthy baby. He was gaining weight, began to walk and…
Murad Vakhayev was born 10 years ago – a strong and healthy baby. He was gaining weight, began to walk and to talk. In short, his mother Zita and grandmother Valentine had not a slightest idea that their beloved baby would become a very unusual child.
At the age of two Murad had a high fever, so bad that the boy went into convulsions. It happened once, then again and again. But even that did not cause much anxiety — and the doctors reassuringly said that such things sometimes happened.
When Murad was three years old his grandmother Valentina noticed that there was something wrong with him. He did not play with other children in the kindergarten and was strangely unsociable. Doctors inspecting little Murad said that there was nothing unusual and such things happened — «he’s just a very spoiled child.» But Valentine felt that something was wrong with her grandson.
Her heart had been aching, so she decided to apply to the Institute of the brain for Murad’s examination. Still she had to wait for it for long six months. Her forebodings proved true: the doctors diagnosed the boy with mental retardation – impaired psychoverbal and motor speech. Autism was an incidental diagnosis.
In the seven years that have elapsed Valentina did all there was in her powers to transform an autist child into a normal one. Little by little the closed and unsociable Murad changed into a cheerful boy who played in the yard with other children.
Now he is romping around, laughing and watching cartoons just like other kids. And he is incredibly smart – very good at drawing and any mental tasks. There is only one thing he can’t do well – it’s talking fluently.
«I wish that my grandson went to school like other children — Valetina says. — He’s really smart, you never need to repeat anything twice to him.»
At the last examination the doctor in charge of Murad said that out of the 100% of medical treatment his family could provide for him they have already given him 96%. There is only a tiny little step remaining to the victory, just some 4%. He strongly recommend a course of treatment at the Cortex Neurology Center. Modern equipment at the center can help the little boy to start speaking.
Unfortunately the treatment in the center is not free. To make Murad speak his family needs to come by as much as 156,580 rubles (about $5,200).
His granny Valentina has long been retired and his mother does not work and brings up two more little children. They are crowded in a little room in a flat in Moscow they have rented for 10 years now. Where would they get the money?
It would be so wonderful if Murad could not only pronounce separate words and phrases (although even that is as huge victory for Vakhayev family), but express smoothly all his thoughts.
To attain that Valentina is willing to give everything she’s got. U unfortunately, she hasn’t got very much. So the Vakhayev family sbadly needs our help.
Just to think that a small grain of our love will help the child overcome this last hurdle left on his way to the victory.
Naida Tonaeva