We want to believe that he will see us!
It is hard to imagine what may happen in real life. Simply because it cannot be so. Yet they happen….
It is hard to imagine what may happen in real life. Simply because it cannot be so. Yet they happen. It all began with an absolute miracle. Maya gave birth to twins. Amazingly the first one was swarthy and black-haired Adam, the second – blonde blue-eyed Salim. For a week Maya had been the happiest woman on Earth. But on the 8-th day of their life Salim was taken away for a surgery. Diagnosis: ulcerous enterocolitis of intestines with bowel perforation. On January 29 Salim’s blue eyes closed forever – his heart ceased beating. The baby failed to survive the secondary narcosis. Maya was left anchored to this life only by Adam. But the baby survived thanks to his mother, too. “Adam was born stronger, though he, too, had acquired pneumonia and his breathing would stop periodically, so for a long time he needed an artificial respirating unit. For two weeks, gulping back my tears, I was trying to be strong and to save Adam. But do you think I was able to stave off the misfortune? No. My little darling went blind!” – Maya narrates.
A couveuse saturated with oxygen produced detachment of retina of the boy’s eye. If this is diagnosed in time it can be treated with laser stitching and the 100% of a baby’s sight is recovered. But the time was wasted. It is not our aim to find out whose fault it was. The main thing for us is not to commit a blunder because without our help six-month-old Adam Avanesyan will not be able to have a course of medical treatment.
Adam’s father Artem works as a manager for a company in Moscow. Since the time the misfortune befell his family he says he “doesn’t raise his head”. He buried Salim. Then he started asking around all his relatives and acquaintances in the wild hope that some doctor will be able to make a miracle – restore Adam’s sight.
“I couldn’t earn the money for my son’s operation because all the time I was busy taking care about his health condition, saving his life,” – Artem said. Luckily some Muslims form Dagestan helped him. They collected the money.
Israeli and American clinics were ready to take in the boy. But the prices… They were simply too high for the young parents. So they chose Avrupa Florence Nightingale Hastanesi clinic in Istanbul, recommended to them by Turkish businessman Zafer Fyrat. Professor Murat Ondzhel (you can see him on the picture) performed a brilliant surgery on the boy’s left eye. The sum of money Artem and Maya had to pay for it was huge for their modest budget — $4000. But it was much less than they had been asked in Israeli and American clinics.
“We were amazed by the top class medics in hospitals of Istanbul. And we were surprised that the sum of payment wasn’t being reconsidered and didn’t grow during the treatment unlike in many other foreign clinics. And the doctors amazed us,” – Artem said.
Professor from Istanbul Murat Ondzhel (a consultant for some leading eye-clinics abroad) carried out a most complicated operation that lasted a few hours. Now Adam can see this world. He can see his mother (she is very beautiful) and his father (he is very hard-working and manly). The doctors say time will show whether his left eye will see only at an up to one meter distance as it does now – or more. But for that some long months of treatment and observations in the Turkish clinic are necessary.
The medical treatment will cost Adam’s family $680 per months. Let’s help the young parents who have gone through such a tragedy and who have two children to support – an elder daughter and the small son – to pay for four months of treatment which cost $2640.
6 June, 2010. Solidarity Foundation transferred to Adam’s parents account 35 000 rubles (about $1150). The money will be spent on the flight to Istanbul and accommodation of Maya and Adam. Thank you all so much for your great support! Artem and Maya have expressed their gratitude to the benefactors. The collecting of means for the little boy’s treatment continues!