За последние 6 лет в Сирии было убито или ранено 9 000 детей

On 29 January 2017 in the Syrian Arab Republic, Seedra (left), 6, and her sister Baraa stand outside their school on the first day of the second semester at the Kheir eddine Al-Asadi School in Sakhoor neighbourhood of eastern Aleppo. The third floor of the school building sustained heavy damage during the fighting and remains unusable. Approximately 600 children are squeezed into classrooms on the remaining two floors. UNICEF and its partners are conducting rapid assessment of school conditions in East Aleppo. Of the 422 schools, 217 are either destroyed, damaged or inaccessible. As of 31 January 2017, UNICEF has supported the re-opening of 23 primary schools in the eastern parts of Aleppo city over the past weeks, allowing nearly 6,500 children to return to school. UNICEF has provided school supplies, developed an accelerated learning programme and trained teachers to help displaced children catch up on the months and years of education they have missed. Ten prefabricated classrooms were also set up. An urgent awareness-raising programme has been rolled out to inform children and families about the dangers of unexploded remnants of war. So far the programme has reached 50,000 children. Psychosocial support activities have been provided to 35,000 children in shelters and other locations, to help them recover from the horrors they lived through. UNICEF provided “schools in a box” and recreational kits to 90,000 children in Idlib and west rural Aleppo. UNICEF-supported professional development courses benefitted 280 teachers. “Getting children back to learning is one of our key priorities,” said Hanaa Singer, UNICEF Representative in Syria. “School provides children with a much needed sense of routine, and offers a place to learn, play, heal and reconnect with their childhood.” There is much more work to be done. An estimated 1.7 million children in Syria are currently out of school.

За время гражданской войны в Сирии родилось более 4,8 млн детей. По данным ЮНИСЕФ, с 2014 года «более 9000 несовершеннолетних были убиты или ранены», 5000 – завербованы, почти 1000 учебных и медицинских учреждений подверглись нападению».

Дети особенно страдают от отсутствия доступа к образованию. Два из пяти учебных учреждения в стране разрушены, служат убежищем или используются в военных целях, пишет МЕМО. 2,8 млн несовершеннолетних в Сирии и за ее пределами не имеют возможности учиться.

“Наш посыл ясен: прекратите наносить удары по школам и больницам, – говорит глава ЮНИСЕФ Генриетта Фор. – Прекратите убивать и калечить детей. Предоставьте нам возможность добраться до тех, кто в этом нуждается. Слишком многие дети страдали слишком долго”.

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